Administrative Law

We handle administrative law issues concerning relations between public administrations and citizens.

The Firm handles matters pertaining to administrative law, that is, relations between public administrations and citizens.

The Firm deals with administrative law which is the branch of public law that deals with the regulation of administrations and relations between public administrations and citizens.

We start from the assumption that in administrative law, one must first consider how administrative activity is performed and identify the subjects that perform it, namely administrations. Administrative activity is dedicated to the care of public interests.

Those who perform it are public legal entities and other bodies which, commissioned by public bodies, look after the interests of the latter. It is therefore an administrative organization that presents itself as an authority that guarantees and protects the welfare of the community. With this in mind and based on such principles, the Firm is concerned with protecting clients in all possible disputes that may arise with public administrations and other bodies in charge of looking after their interests.

When an administration harms the interest of a private citizen by pursuing higher aims of public interest, the private citizen may be able to enforce his/her right, which degrades to legitimate interest (interesse legittimo), through the juxtaposition of the purposes he/she has set for himself/herself with those coinciding with the pursuit of the public interest considered higher in this case.

Through the Firm and related professionals, the citizen will thus be able to pursue his/her own purpose, not by directly asserting his/her own reasons against those of the administration, but by pursuing in parallel the higher interest coinciding with that of the administration, to protect the legitimacy of the act issued.